Hello everyone,

Thank you for your interest in the 30 day strength transformation. I’m honored and excited to be able to work with all of you.

What to expect.

This program lasts 30 days as a way for you to see that the methods I prescribe to you will indeed show you progress in strength in the pushups and pull ups. The foundation of this program is all bodyweight exercises with little to no equipment.

I will be collecting before and after progress videos showing what you were able to accomplish In 30 days. I will be using this for promotional purposes in the future as I expand the program. I will keep your identity private unless you are okay with me using your name.

Zoom orientation meeting coming up.

Everyone will be in a 1 hour group zoom call together where you can tune in to learn about the theory behind my methodologies. It will be a time for Q and A as well as introductions. I will be sending everyone a Zoom Invite link on the day of the event to your Whatsapp account. Please scan my QR code below, add me and send me a “hello, Im in the 30 day strength transformation program” text so that I can be better prepared for the upcoming call. 623-999-4623

If for some reason you cannot use whatsapp we can also do this via Facebook Messenger my Facebook account is here


I understand that not everyone will feel comfortable being seen by everyone else, just know you always have the option of turning your camera off. If you miss it I will have the recorded video available for you to watch when you have the time. Please put the zoom meeting below on your calendar to attend if you can.

Sunday May 1st 4:30-5:30pm Arizona Time

Below is a link demonstrating what I need from everyone to give you the right progressions for your current level. You will need the App Whatsapp to communicate with me the easiest because you will be sending me video footage. You can start sending me your video footage as soon as you start reading this as well as any other information I need to know.

Send Me Your Best Pull Up

Alternative methods to demonstrate pull up start at 1:53

Send me your best push up

Next I will be sending everyone their starter progressions based on the videos they send me. I will be sending you a private Youtube link showing you what your homework is and I will add details specific to your needs and circumstances as well. This will include sets, reps and programing. You will send me video footage of your final set of each exercise via whatsapp. If you do not have this app already please install it so you can get the best experience with me. This allows me to make sure you are progressing at the right level for you and it also holds you accountable to do the work necessary to progress.

You will send me your homework based on your individual assignments and I will respond within 24 hours with coaching and updates

At the end of the 30 days I would like to schedule a 1 on 1 video zoom call with each one of you to get feedback on the program. I’ll be sending you a personal message to set that up with you as the 30 days comes to an end.